We’re Locked Up In Our HEARTS Not Our Homes.

Covid 19 Lockdown This whole Covid-19 lockdown thing and so many people being in fear got me thinking… So we’ve all been locked up inside our homes for quite some time now, partially because we were told to, but some choose to stay there by choice and out of fear. We’ve been told that there is a life threatening danger outside the walls of our homes and we’ve had our eyes fixed on the media who continuously provides us with more and more evidence that supports our belief that locking ourselves within the confines of our homes is the way for us to take control over and avoid the perceived threat and danger that is outside of it. Although the fact that we are locked down in our homes is very real to us at present, we’ve actually really locked ourselves up in our own hearts too. We’ve all experienced being hurt, disappointed, rejected and mistreated  by others or experiences. We’ve all seen some things in the world out there that were not so good to see or experience. We’ve all read and heard the stories of how “evil & dangerous” the world outside is. And that has caused many of us to lock our hearts away behind big walls to keep anything out that would cause us any discomfort or pain. We’re told by society that the way to keep ourselves emotionally and mentally safe is to put walls around our hearts and lock ourselves in there to take control of never being hurt, rejected or disappointed. And life has given us more than enough evidence to support that. So we keep our hearts locked up in order to protect ourselves and feel like we are in control of keeping any danger out and at bay. But just like remaining locked up in our homes out of fear cannot indefinitely be sustained and will eventually lead to us running out of much needed resources for survival, our hearts being locked up behind walls will eventually also be depleted of much needed resources for its survival, causing our hearts to grow hard, selfish and cold. And once we’ve locked our hearts behind those walls, we never go beyond the walls because that feels “unsafe” so we keeps our dreams, hopes, desires and love locked up inside, slowly depriving it of what it desperately needs to thrive. If you want to know how restrictive your walls around your heart really are, imagine yourself for a second walking straight in the direction of what you fear to allow in (or project out from it). Does that feel uncomfortable? Notice for a moment what your chest area is doing. You can literally feel your heart closing up, shrinking and it doesn’t feel good at all right? That’s because you’ve taught your heart to close which goes against its natural state of being. If life has taught you that when you love someone you’ll get hurt, chances are that if you try to move beyond the wall you built around your heart because of it, you’ll intuitively want to pull back to avoid smashing into it. And that’s what keeps you bound up and locked inside your heart’s perimeters. You become a prisoner to your fears. And if you’re really honest with yourself, what you really desire is to break free and to let it out right?  What you really want is to love and be loved without any fear or restriction. But you deprive yourself of it and lock all of that love and all of that desire up in there out of fear of what your mind fabricates and tells you will happen if you do.

Here’s the thing … The walls around your heart aren’t just keeping the real you in, it is keeping everything else out too.

What we’re really afraid of is of remaining locked up when we’re really dying to come out, but we silence it (which really causes you more pain and suffering) because we are too afraid of the unknown that lies beyond the walls. Lets look at that word again … UNKNOWN. That in itself should tell us that what our minds are making up and telling us will happen if we do break out past our walls, isn’t even the truth. Your mind actually really has no proof of that any of the scenarios its feeding you will happen. Its just a perceived threat that is dramatized by our mind based on past experiences, beliefs, thoughts, emotions and society. But we just soothe our longing to break down our walls by telling ourselves it is there to protect us. Our past experiences, thoughts, beliefs & emotions are what built the walls around our heart, brick by brick. And as long as you have them up, you are strengthening them more and more, making it harder to ever get out. But those walls are just a false sense of security. It’s really just an illusion of having control.

What if you could walk beyond those walls? Just unlock the door and go out. Just let what is outside of it in?

Will there be danger? Probably. Will there be pain, disappointment, rejection? Most likely. Will there be beauty, joy, excitement, fun, happiness, amazing experiences and all that life has to offer?  Absolutely, but you’ll never know until you go beyond the walls, until you break them down and let your true self out and the world in.   You have the power to walk out of the artificial safety zone you’ve created for yourself at any time. And yes I know it seems very scary to some (I’ve just recently been there too). But is it really worth slowly causing your heart to harden and die because it isn’t functioning in the way it was always meant to? We were not created to close our hearts. When we do, we physically, emotionally and mentally make ourselves ill. The heart was created to give and receive love. That’s how it thrives. That’s what makes if feel alive. And when it is deprived of that it causes our authentic self to die little by little. There will always be dangers, fears, painful experiences and things outside that you may not like. But there is so much more. There is freedom. There is joy. There is life. There is fresh air, interaction, connection, love & such beauty. Don’t stay locked up inside the walls of your heart (or your house for that matter) because of fear. If we can just learn to allow ourselves to let go of the walls we built around our hearts, we’ll learn that most of the fears we allowed our minds to create for us while locked up inside were nothing more than just fabrications of the mind. The reality is that whether you stay inside or go outside of the walls, life is and will always happen exactly as it should. If it is your time to leave this world, keeping yourself locked up in your home or your heart can’t and won’t prevent that from happening when it is your time. Just like going out can’t cause it to happen any sooner than the divine plan with your life that was already mapped out before you were born. So you might as well just free yourself. Unlock yourself from the prison you’re in. Don’t just exist … LIVE! I promise you, you’ll look back at it and wonder why you ever stayed locked up in there for so long. You don’t have to limit your experiences and your life to “stay safe”. Things are still going to happen exactly as they should anyway. Inside of your little “safety zone” you might feel like you have it all figured out and under control, but the truth is we cannot ever really control anything in life. What must be will be. The only thing we have control over is to choose to never close our hearts or lock ourselves in there ever again, no matter what. For us as humans to thrive we need other people, we need love, we need experiences, we need to not be restricted or living in a constant state of fear. Closing your heart isn’t creating safety. Its putting yourself in a prison. Throughout your life you’ve stepped out daily into the unknown and encountered thousands of potential physical, emotional and mental dangers and threats. But guess what? If you’re still here that means so far YOU’VE SURVIVED THEM ALL! Our perceived dangers in our world aren’t going anywhere. But we can choose whether they keep us locked up inside ourselves not fully living and experiencing all that this world and this life has to offer us. If you’ve been hurt, disappointed, rejected or mistreated by life, people, love or experiences in the past, I understand why you may feel a little scared of dropping your walls. I understand that you feel the need to close your heart in order to protect yourself. But please believe me when I say I’ve been there, and I can tell you that keeping your heart locked up harms you much more than letting it out. Locking it up behind walls isn’t serving your highest good at all. It isn’t serving the greater good of humanity either. It’s a false sense of security that holds you back from everything you truly desire and need. Locking your heart up behind walls will only end up hurting you more than letting it out and letting others in. So I urge you to break down the walls. Go out there as your authentic, amazing and loving self. Love deeply. Live fully. Experience the fullness of what this life and this world has to offer. And allow yourself to receive love in every way that you were always meant to from the entire universe. That is your natural state. That is how you were always meant to thrive.

The world and humanity NEEDS that beautiful and amazing heart that you have to offer it and all of the love that you have to give!


Why We Need Contrast To Do, Be & Have Better In Life The Roadmap To Finding Wholeness & Inner Peace    
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EMOTIONAL DETOX: 7 Pivotal Steps To Emotional Freedom

Wheel of Emotions So its one of “those” days where everything that could possibly go wrong; does, and your emotions are off the charts, in fact your emotional well being seems severely under attack and at risk. You wake up only to see that its 06:30 AM and that’s the time you’re already supposed to be leaving for work. Your alarm clock didn’t go off for some inexplicable reason and no matter what you do, you’re going to be late! You hustle to shove yourself into the outfit you luckily laid out for work already last night, but as you grab your coffee to get one sip in on the way out, you spill it all over your brand new, crisp white Chanel shirt. So you rush to change only to find that your back-up preference is in the washing basket and your washing day is only tomorrow.. You eventually make it to the car with no further delays only to realize that you forgot to fill up your tank last night and the petrol light seems like its deliberately trying to be snarky flashing the words “EMPTY” in big red letters at you! You finally make it to the office and it appears that all hell had broken loose in the mere 10 minutes that you were late. To top it all off, the boss is in a bad mood and glaring at you (you think its probably because you’re late) and he piles yet another crisis that is on deadline onto you. At this point the “drama queen” inside your head revs it up a gear, kick into overdrive and she’s like: “He’s probably testing me to see if I will manage. He’s just setting me up to fail.  He never liked me anyway. I bet he is just looking for a reason to fire me and my being late just added another bullet to his arsenal. Oh my gosh how will I find work again. The job market is so over-saturated as it is. I’m going to starve and end up living as a bum on the street. Why didn’t I just take my phone in last time it did that? Oh yes it was because I had to work late to finish that project. That my boss doesn’t remember. He doesn’t even see the value I bring to the team and all of the extra things I do. Why the heck do I do them anyway? They don’t appreciate me. No one does. Its because I’m not good enough. Just like my ex. Nothing is ever good enough. Maybe I should just resign before he fires me”EASY THERE GIRL! STOP & BREATHE! We’ve all had a day, at times a week and some are even convinced a life like this, right? Okay that may have been a little bit over dramatized but you get the gist. And it serves the point I’m getting to. When you read that, how did it make you feel? A little anxious perhaps? Did your heart start racing or your stomach turn into a knot? Changes are that it absolutely did. That wasn’t even happening for real and it wasn’t even happening to YOU, yet your body reacted to it physically anyway and here’s why.
  • The mind doesn’t know the difference between fantasy and reality. So whatever you’re thinking it thinks is really happening. I wrote that in the first person and you read it that way too, so your mind did 2 things there. It perceived is as something you are really thinking and thus experiencing and it reacted accordingly by letting you feel it as emotions and physical manifestations in your body.
  • Despite most people believing that their emotions cause their thoughts, its actually the other way around. Our thoughts cause our emotions. You read it (thus thought it) and pesto, you felt it right? Not convinced? Think of a person or situation that makes you anxious. Focus on your body for a second and feel how and where you can feel that anxiety in your body. Whatever you thought about isn’t even happening at the moment yet you were able to conjure up those emotions physically in the present and physically react to it anyway just because you thought about it.
From a young age, most of us are taught that emotions are a bad thing, not acceptable, shameful and even a sign of weakness. But the truth is its really our power! Our emotions are our GPS and KPI’s to what we can expect to experience showing up in our reality soon. Emotional Healing Detox   Let me explain. So you already know that our thoughts cause our emotions. But what are emotions? Just like thoughts, emotions are vibrational energy. And Science and in Quantum circles it has already been proven that energy attracts the same energy to itself. So whatever vibrational energy you are sending out through your emotions is really what you’re attracting more of to yourself then. Right about now you may also be having a little “AHA’ moment going on inside of you as to why it is that when one bad thing happens it can feel like it caused a snowball effect causing an avalanche of sh*t bombs rolling your way. But, this doesn’t have to happen. See if you re-calibrated your energy after the first shitty thing happened, you wouldn’t have attracted more drama into your experience. Re-calibrate your what now? Well basically if you chose a better thinking thought in that moment like: “Well, stuff happens. I couldn’t control the alarm clock not going off. I’m never late and I’m a hard worker so I’m sure my boss will understand. Everything happens for a reason and I am thankful for whatever this experience was here to teach me or protect me from” , none of that other stuff would have happened. You would have pivoted from a low negative vibrational energy (thoughts and feelings) to a high vibrational energy in an instant and that would have been the end of it. The rest of your day would have gone a lot smoother and you would have had a lot more joy and inner peace too. So what we attract then really starts with our thoughts. But here’s the big whopper! We think around 80 000 thoughts a day and only 5% of those thoughts are thoughts we are consciously aware of. The other 95% are subconscious thought patterns based on our upbringing, past experiences and beliefs that are running on auto-pilot. Hang ten now, don’t get discouraged just yet! The title of this blog said that this was about showing you how to do it and I always deliver on my promises. Okay, so if we we’re not even aware of our thoughts like 95% of the time and they’re running on auto pilot, how do we then know when we are thinking a low vibrational thought that will attract more low vibrational experiences to us? QUE DRUM ROLE PLEASE ….. Through our EMOTIONS! Like I said in the beginning, our emotions are really our GPS for what we are busy attracting to ourselves and creating in our lives. And lets face it. It’s a heck of a lot easier to be aware of how you feel than it is to try and manage 80 000 thoughts a day of which 95% are subconsciously on autopilot. We usually know when we don’t feel well emotionally because our body reacts to it physically in manifestations like stomach knots, headaches, neck spasms, ground down teeth, chest pains and so much more. The important one to mention here is that it may manifest as debilitating and even serious physical illnesses. Emotions are energy but they also cause chemicals to form in our body. This is really the body’s way of trying to protect us, our built in protection and self preservation mechanism. But these chemicals were meant to protect us for short term threats we experience in our environment and they were never meant to be present for extended periods of time. So when we are not aware of low vibrational thoughts causing low vibrational feelings and manifesting as toxins in our body that aren’t dealt with over an extended period of time, our body will eventually warn us that something needs to get “processed” and worked on that is causing it to malfunction in the form of illness. if we can learn to become aware of our emotions and to process them, we can nip it in the bud straight away and not wait for more bad experiences to show up or for physical illness to set in to tell us that we are headed for disaster.


  • Set hourly reminders on your phone that just says “How do I feel?” – Stuff happens throughout our day and this way we are prompted to become aware of how we feel every hour, and then either process it or at the very least pivot by choosing a better thinking thought and better feeling emotion in that moment, stopping the low vibrational thoughts and energies from gaining more momentum.
  • At the end of the day before you go to sleep or when you’re soaking in a bath, reflect on your day’s experiences. Become aware of how they made you feel, what you thought about it and how you acted and reacted to it. This way you choose to pivot and stop those low vibrational thoughts, feelings, experiences and frankly the story you told yourself about it in its tracks at least once a day and you don’t carry it into the next day with you which stops its from gaining momentum.
PS: If you’re like me and you struggle to identify what emotion you are feeling at times, have no fear. Use the following Wheel Of Emotions Chart to help you to hit the nail on the head. Wheel Of Feelings Now you may be thinking, “what about all the other times I didn’t do this because I didn’t know about it yet? “Fact is there may be some old trapped emotions in your body that you need to release. Its time for you to do an Emotional Detox! Clean the slate and pivot! You’ll experience tremendous emotional freedom and as a bonus your energy levels and health will increase as well. Overall you’ll just be feeling GREAT and attracting more of the experiences you DO want into your life as a result. Like everything in life it takes some commitment and action on your part, but I promise you it is easy to do and so damn worth it!


You can do this exercise as an emotional detox now to process specific events and experiences, but its also a great daily practice to incorporate when you become aware of how you’re feelings through your hourly phone reminders, or once a day when you’re reflecting on the day that has passed. These 7 steps will help you to process and release emotions straight away with a lot more ease as you bring them to conscious awareness.


Check out the blog on The Roadmap To Finding Wholeness & Inner Peace Check out the blog on 5 Steps To Lasting Happiness That No One’s Told You About Dive a little deeper into a meaningful life with my Ultimate Life Transformation Program Listen to this Podcast Episode of Breakthrough on 5 Steps To Getting Your Breakthrough  Connect with me on Facebook Connect with me on Instagram Connect with me on Linkedin



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5 Steps To Lasting Happiness (that nobody’s telling you about)

5 steps to lasting happiness blog by Mickey Roothman Coach, Speaker & Author

Happiness seems so hard to come by and even harder to hold onto, right?

The other day I was talking to one of my clients about why we struggle to hold onto the “new & improved me” and to remain positive and hold onto our happiness once we’ve chosen a better life. It got me thinking about my own journey of see-sawing up and down from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows in literally seconds at times. Now before I had gone on my self awareness and spiritual awakening journey to understand why we are who we are and do what we do, this was a common occurrence, but it didn’t make sense why it was STILL happening now that I knew better and had made the conscious choice to be happier and implemented the daily practices to back it (like meditation, daily reflection, questioning my thoughts, etc.) Even the apostle Paul wondered why he still did the things he didn’t want to do even after he chose to turn his life around.
”I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[a] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it”. – Romans 7:5-20
Have you ever notices that you can be on such a huge high, so positive and ready to be a nice human after watching an inspirational Youtube video or reading a powerful motivational quote, until …. something shitty happens in your day or your life that in one foul swoop just seems to knock you back down to a low vibe, negativity or lashing out at someone. See here’s the thing … We are “pre-programmed” as humans to resist happiness & feeling good. Yes, you heard me right. Our unconscious default setting is that we have to struggle, difficulty, and to feel guilty about being TOO successful, TOO happy, TOO wealthy. And when we finally have those things, we begin to feel guilty for having them. We go into fear about losing them and begin to wait for the other shoe to drop and for it to be ripped away from us at any second. But why? Because we’ve been sub-consciously programmed from a young age that good things don’t come easy and that they don’t last.

Before we dive into how to KEEP our happiness, lets look out how to find it first.

The route to finding real happiness can be described in one word: SELF-AWARENESS. See until we become aware of our own emotions, habits, beliefs, thoughts, actions, reactions and so on, we cannot really be happy. These are the very things that caused us not to be happy in the first place and until we become aware of them, we cannot begin to change them to change the outcome. Looking outside of ourselves for happiness just makes us fearful on an unconscious level anyway because we sub-consciously know that other people and external factors are the things we don’t have any control over. And as humans we fear what we can’t control (like other people for example). The reality is that the only thing we do have control over is OURSELVES. This is why finding happiness can only start by taking your focus off of what’s going on outside of you and becoming self-aware of whats going on within YOU!

So, once you’ve found real happiness, how do you hold onto it?

It took me several years of doing everything I knew to do to hold onto the new, positive and conscious living me to figure out what REALLY brings about lasting, tangible results when transforming our lives. Through my own personal life transformation journey from being broke, victimized, undervalued, sad, angry, stressed, anxious, lost, alone and directionless to consistently being happy, free, certain, clear, supported, successful, healthy, joyful and valued and over 10 000 hours of 1:1 coaching with my clients to identify exactly WHAT brings lasting change and transformation. What I identified was that we need to address the areas of our life that we want to transform on each of these 5 key levels: 1) Emotional 2) Behavioral 3) Mindset 4) Spiritual 5) Practical/Physical Let me unpack this for you a little further to help you to identify why your initial results and the “new & improved you” didn’t last. Often times traditional therapists work mostly only on the emotional level, right? Truth is that working on an emotional level and resolving underlying conscious or unconscious emotional traumas will help you to feel better, but if the particular situation isn’t addressed at the other 4 levels as well, the feeling better won’t last. For example, the experience may have caused you to form limiting beliefs about yourself, others, life, love, money, success or whatever, and those beliefs are still present (mindset). Which means you’ll continue creating, attracting & experiencing similar experiences because of them. There may be certain behaviors and patterns you formed because of the experience that need to be addressed too. For example you perhaps became a people-pleaser or an introvert because of the experience which means you are still behaving that way which isn’t the real you. This in turn causes unconscious thoughts and emotions of resentment, dissatisfaction and unhappiness because these are “learned” behaviors you developed and not the true you, which is inherently what we are wired to desire to achieve as human beings. Perhaps the situation or emotional traumas caused certain beliefs that you don’t have what it takes, you’re not as good as others or that you don’ t deserve to  or have the things you deem necessary to have a great life like everyone else. This is why we need to work on the spiritual level as well to re-frame those thoughts and beliefs and for you to re-connect with a Higher Power of your own understanding to remember who you really are and where your support and supply of everything you need comes from. And just in case you’ve forgotten or you’re wondering who you are …
You are not a limited human being trying to have some kind of spiritual experience here on earth and find your way or try to make it happen all on your own.  You are a powerful spiritual being having a human experience here on earth and you are connected to, guided and supported by the entire universe and the One who made it, while on your mission here on earth.
Lastly, we have to look at the practical and physical level as well.  If you don’t have actionable daily practices in place to continue growing and working on each of the other 4 levels daily, or you’re living in an environment that is toxic and not good for you, your transformation and the “new improved you” can’t last either. This is why its imperative to also look at your physical and practical circumstances, routines and daily practices. 5 steps to lasting happiness blog by Mickey Roothman Coach, Speaker & Author

Were you able to identify why the new & improved you and your new found happiness didn’t stand a chance of lasting?

In my coaching practice and my programs, whether I’m working with the CEO of a company or a single mother, I tackle all 5 of these levels. Because my mission is to give my clients the tools, methods and guidance to receive tangible, real and lasting transformations and results. My signature life transformation program is also designed to help you tackle each of these levels with whatever area of your life you’re ready to transform FOR GOOD! This program is a self-paced digital 12 week journey that my clients can complete from the comfort of their own home and in their own time.  It has proven to be one of the most popular programs for people who are seeking answers and a step-by-step process to really transform their lives to live their BEST LIFE POSSIBLE. I’m currently practically giving away this program at a crazy 85% off until 18 November 2019, so if YOU are ready to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE POSSIBLE and for it to LAST, you can check out The Ultimate Life Transformation Program over here -> https://bit.ly/2JMbJA4


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BLOG: Are you unattractive to the things you desire to attract and manifest?

When they get or have what you want

So you’ve put a desire out into the universe that you would like to manifest or attract into your life, but then it begins to looks and feel like everyone else around you is getting that very thing, except for YOU.

Most of us have experienced this at some point in our lives before. And it really isn’t that you begrudge anyone else receiving love, happiness, success, wealth and great opportunities but when this happens, it can leave us feeling left out, not good enough and frankly a little sad, angry and even resentful, right? I recently shared one of my own personal experiences with this in an episode on my podcast channel Food For Thought, but about a year and a half ago, I had something that I decided I was ready to manifest and attract into my life. A desire I had ignored for many years before that.  And sure enough the moment I put it out there, just about EVERYONE around me was getting that very thing, except for ME! And I was really wanting and trying to be happy for them and celebrate with them, but it felt a little “forced”. Because deep down it really felt like a punch in my stomach and a “stuff-you” from the universe each time. This sent me into a thought pattern that left me feeling absolutely horrible! “I’m not a jealous person, nor do I begrudge anyone achieving or receiving good things in their life, so why the heck am I feeling this way?” I asked myself. Turning inward to investigate this was the best thing I could have done! It helped me to grow, evolve, identify and heal some serious limiting beliefs I had, but it also helped me to celebrate for those around me who were getting the things I was wanting to attract, and begin to attract those things into my own life as well.

You see, all things are energy, and so are we.

Energy is how we attract the things we want into our lives. And because of the thoughts I was thinking due to my limiting beliefs, it caused some serious negative and low vibration emotions inside of me which was literally making me UNATTRACTIVE to the very thing I was trying to attract into my life because I wasn’t an energetic match for it. Our beliefs cause our thoughts and our thoughts cause our emotions which in turn creates our energetic frequency that we vibrate at, which then attracts similar energetic frequencies to us.


If you’ve been struggling to manifest or attract a specific desire into your life, and perhaps everyone else around you seems to be getting that very thing that you have been wanting, the answer is to start with GETTING A CHECK-UP FROM THE NECK UP! Pause for a second to turn inward and investigate what you are busy thinking and feeling. What are you making this mean about you, life, love, success or whatever it is you are trying to attract and manifest into your life? How is this story you are telling yourself about it making you feel? Now QUESTION THAT! -> Can you say that the story you are telling yourself about it is 100% true? -> Is there even a 1% chance that this could NOT be the truth? – Find evidence of how this could possibly not be the truth, even if its just 1 example. Now change your perspective on how you’ve been viewing it and FLIP THE SCRIPT by telling yourself a new truth and story about it. Notice how your emotions almost instantly shift to a higher vibration and how that heavy weight lifts off of you from the previous false story your mind told you about that situation or thing. By shifting your thoughts and emotions, you’re already shifting into becoming an energetic match for that thing you are trying to manifest and attract. YES, IT REALLY IS THAT EASY! Personal and Business Transformation Coach Speaker AuthorAs I mentioned earlier in this blog post I recently dove deeper into this topic in a podcast episode on my Podcast Channel Food For Thought. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: -> How to consciously ensure that you are an energetic match for the thing you wish to attract. -> What could be holding you back and resisting/blocking the very thing that you are trying to manifest. -> How to handle it when someone else has or is getting the very thing that you wanted or have been trying to manifest or attract into your own life. -> How to FLIP THE SCRIPT and change your perspective on the situation.

If you are ready to start attracting and manifesting your desires with ease and joy, you can go and have a listen to this podcast episode “When they have or get what you want” on the following links:



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