I’m going to begin this blog with a bold statement. The truth is that having the life you want and success doesn’t’ have to be difficult and it doesn’t have to be a struggle. It doesn’t have to take blood, sweat and tears to achieve.
Having the happiness, love, joy, success, wealth and amazing life that you want doesn’t have to be difficult! You can achieve it all with total joy and ease!
And even if you think this is a bit “far fetched” or crazy I know you’ll continue reading, because something inside of you just triggered you and recognized this as a truth that resonates on a deep level with your soul.
Perhaps you’re thinking “well maybe that’s true for you, but it isn’t for me. It isn’t what I’m experiencing in my life. You don’t know my story. You don’t know my circumstances”.
I want to tell you today that you’re not alone. We all have the belief that struggle, stress, strife and hustle is the only way to achieve and have the things we desire. I did too for many years and I’m still in the process daily of changing that deep-rooted core belief that’s been projected onto us by the world from a very young age.
Struggling has become our safe haven, our comfort zone – We’re addicted to it.
Fear and struggle feels like a very natural way for us to control things and stay “safe”. So much so that its become natural for us to be in a state of fear rather than in a state of peace, joy and trust. And its not like we’re all these neurotic nervous wrecks all of the time who are constantly in fear, so is it really such a bad thing then?
One of my favorite mentors and teachers,
Marianne Williamson says in her book A Return To Love that the opposite of love is not hate but fear. And if you think about it, its actually very true. Fear can take on a variety of forms in our day to day lives. It masks itself behind feelings like judgement, anxiety, defensiveness, worry and jealousy. Our instinct and impulse to try and control everything has fear at the root of it all.
We learn to rely on fear as a driving force and to help us feel like we are “in control” of our lives. But here’s the thing …When you rely on fear you are out of alignment with the natural state of your soul and disconnected from the flow, love and support from your Higher Power. Fear is actually blocking you from having the things that you desire and want to attract into your life.
You have faith, but do you really believe you are supported and things can be easy?
The world we live in projects onto us and has us convinced that we need to earn the worthiness of having or achieving something and that it requires struggle, sacrifice and working your ass off for it.
Perhaps even from childhood it has been imprinted into your mind that nothing comes easy or for free and if you want something you’re going to have to work hard for it. And its not because the people who brought us up were bad people either. They were just teaching us what they were taught and what’s been passed down from generation to generation.
We’ve been taught that pain is a necessary part of life and the process and that to succeed requires a level of suffering. We’re taught that we have to
make things happen, and that nothing good ever comes easily or without struggle.
Now I’m not making light of or saying that we won’t or don’t experience very difficult circumstances at times on our journeys, I myself have been through tons of them.
But, I eventually got fed up with the struggle. Fed up with the strife, the pain, the difficulty, the fear, the anxiety and of feeling like I’ve got to try and “fix” or make things happen myself in order to have a better life. I got so fed up in fact that I went in search of the answers to experiencing and creating the life I wanted from a place of joy, ease, inner peace, certainty and freedom.
Today, when difficult experiences come, I’ve learned to consciously choose to see them as divine universal assignment. As learning, growing, healing and evolving experiences, rather than as shameful, dark and scary. Every difficult situation in my life no matter how hard it appeared at the time, has given me the gift of tremendous healing, growth and inner peace on the other side of it once I consciously chose to change my perspective on these kinds of experiences.
Choosing to see my difficult experiences with compassion, love and grace and as divine assignments that were here to serve me to grow, heal and learn, has helped me to transform my story of victim into an empowering journey of a victor and I can now honor and love myself for being willing to see it differently and for being open to growing and evolving through them.
Each time I choose to see a difficult experience from the perspective of love and trust instead of fear, I go through those experiences with joy and peace. And each time without fail Divine guidance and solutions miraculously show up!
Lets be perfectly clear though … I’m not saying we have to suffer and go through difficult times in order to heal, grow and evolve or reach our goal of having the kind of life that we want. I’m saying that when you’re going through an experience that you perceive as difficult, you can choose to see and experience it from a place of fear, or from a place of love as an opportunity that is here to serve you for your highest possible good. Even if you don’t know what exactly that is at the time.
That’s where faith and trust in a Higher Power that loves you and knows what is for your highest good and who promises that He makes all things work together for your good comes in.
We can’t always choose or change the things that happen in our lives, but we can change the way we choose to perceive and experience them.
Struggle is not required to create the kind of life you want.
If you believe that it has to be difficult and that you have to struggle to have the life that you want, I want to assure you today from experience that you don’t have to struggle to be happy, successful or whatever it is you desire.
I’ve seen proof of it over and over again in my own life and in the lives of many of my clients once they lay down and let go of this belief that has been projected onto us by society.
I want you to choose today, right here right now, to let go of that idea and that belief. I want you to choose today to believe that you can create and have the life that you want with total ease and joy!
Your belief in struggle is what’s holding you back.
Almost all of us have allowed the world and ourselves to convince us that in order to reach success, it has to be difficult, a struggle and a hustle. We’re even told by many gurus that these are some of the keys to success and that suffering and sacrifice is a part of the package and the journey to achieving it.
And because that is our “story” and our “belief”, we have to continue creating it in our reality because the mind will always create more proof of what we already believe. So this belief is actually what is holding us back from achieving success and definitely from doing so with joy and with ease – because “it
has to be a struggle”, right?
Want proof? Here’s the geeky science side of this.
–> Our beliefs are what’s driving everything that we “see” <– and how we perceive it in our reality.
Our mind is responsible for interpreting the picture that our eyes see and it always completes that picture based on what we believe.
Whatever the mind is thinking causes us to feel a certain way. Our feelings are energy and so is everything else in this universe. And likeness attracts likeness, so therefor we attract the same energy to us as the energy of what we are feeling.
Can you see then how if your belief is that life has to be a struggle your mind will interpret all things you see as a struggle? This then leads to fear based thoughts which in turn leads to feelings of fear, lack, not-good-enoughness, etc and … PESTO!… that’s exactly what you attract to yourself then. More fear, lack and not-good-enoughness experiences and things.
The energetic frequency that we vibrate at (our thoughts which become our feelings) either brings us closer to the love and support that is available to us all in this universe, or it resists and repels it.
When we have fear-based, low-vibe beliefs we have those kinds of thought on repeat and that creates an energetic momentum that will manifest more of that into your life. It becomes a viscous cycle. If you believe it has to be a struggle and difficult, you will experience struggle and difficulty ALL OF THE TIME!
Success really is an inside job!
My old story of “I have to struggle to survive” started in the womb already and perpetuated on a sub-conscious level throughout my life and manifested in my businesses, relationships, finances and all areas of my life as a grown up.
Because I believed I had to struggle to survive, I hustled so hard when I started my first business to the point where my body literally couldn’t keep up anymore. And guess what … I worked my ass off to always just barely survive financially instead of thriving. It had to be that way because that was my belief. My success story only changed once I changed that old story and belief.
Sustainable success is only 20% of what you do (the actions you take) and a whopping 80% what you believe and think.
Yes, you will have to do the work and take action, but if your beliefs are limiting and not in alignment with your goals, success is not sustainable and at remains completely out of reach.
As a born strategist I use to be all about the 20%, but it wasn’t’ until I focused on the 80% that my success story transformed for good.
The moment I consciously decided to finally release and let go of that belief that I had to struggle to be successful and survive, and instead to believe that I deserve happiness, success, joy, inner peace and to be alive, my life transformed massively! I began to experience the love, support, guidance and connection to my Higher Power that I could co-create my life with from a space of total flow, ease and joy!
Amazing opportunities and people started flowing into my life at the exact right times from seemingly out of nowhere and I began to create a life and business that was beyond what I ever could have imagined was possible for me – especially without any difficulty or struggle!
I’m not lucky. I’m not privileged in any way. I am no different than, better than or worse than anyone else. And neither are you.
You can have it too.
We are all created exactly the same. We all have the same capabilities and support and we are all under the same scientific, spiritual and universal laws while we’re existing in this universe.
What one of us achieves is merely a reflection to another of what is possible for them as well.
If you’re ready to finally let go of the struggle, the hustle, the difficulty, the fear and all of those things that you were taught to believe are part of the package to having the kind of life you desire to live, then here’s what I want you to do for yourself today.
Decide today to let go of your old story and belief that you have to struggle to get what you want and to be happy, fulfilled and at peace.
Say this out-loud to yourself: “I release my old story and belief that having the life I want has to be difficult and a struggle. I declare and choose to create the life I desire with joy and with ease.”
Write the following affirmation down and put it up everywhere in your house. Say it every day. Put it as an hourly reminder for yourself on your phone: “I do not need to suffer and struggle to have the life that I want. I get to create the life I desire with total joy and ease!”
A high-vibe affirmation of love, joy and freedom will begin to cultivate a new energy within you and around you and that is what ultimately allows you to attract those things that you desire into your life.
And if you find yourself going back into fear, struggle and trying to control it all again, gently guide yourself back to this truth with compassion and
just choose again.
Take a few moments now to feel into and reflect on how free, supported and light you feel after releasing that old belief and story.
NB: Have compassion for yourself through this process. Remember we all did the best we could with what we knew at any given moment of our lives. And now that you know this you can choose again. You can choose freedom, joy and ease over suffering and struggle.
Post in the comments below if you’ve just released and done this. If you’d like to you can also share how you feel right now after having released this and making a conscious decision to create your life from a place of joy and ease. I would love to support you and honor you for choosing to consciously change this old story and belief and to be free from it
for good.
Make feeling good your #1 priority from this moment on!
Now that you understand that you’re attracting the success, happiness and joy you want and desire into your life through consciously choosing new beliefs, thoughts and feeling good, make feeling good your new #1 priority!
Consciously choose to embody the energetic vibration of the things you desire and you will experience yourself become a magnet for things, people and experiences that are a vibrational match for that energy!
My hope is that this blog has served you.
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